Friday, August 15, 2008

Skyline cruise

After Wrigley Field, we went on a cruise down the river and into the lake. The Skyline cruise was lots of fun!


The new Trump building that's going up now. It seems very economical. I think they said the penthouse has already been bought for something like $27 million.
Mom got tired waiting for the she found a couch. She seems to think that she's royalty, perched on her golden couch!

Apparently Oprah lived in the building at one has an awesome view of the lake.

It was a little overcast on Tuesday, but I still thought the skyline was awesome!

The tour guide had really corny jokes about Chuck Norris all of the time, but it was still fun.

The lighthouse was really cool, but this was as close as we got.

Awesome sailboat tour taking place...I think theirs was more expensive than ours.

This building has connections to Al Capone. Apparently, the top of the building was a speak-easy. The elevator is big enough for a car. So, Al would pay the elevator operator to leave his car in the elevator on the 54th floor with them. That way if the police were coming after him, the elevator was up and they had to walk up 54 flights of him plenty of time to ride down and escape. That's some smart thinking!

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