I'm sitting here thinking of my 10-year high school class reunion. It was this past Saturday night. It was an experience that I almost skipped out on. However, thanks to one of my best friends from high school, Mandi, I did end up attending and I think it was a good thing. It was good in the way that I have now lived to the point that your parents always tell you about-- that the snobby, popular kids will eventually grow up and not be so snobby. I have to say that, according to teachers, my class was always one of the nicest classes. There were definite lines between the "groups", but almost everyone was able to cross those at times. There weren't many lines at the 10-year reunion. Another good thing that I learned was my own attitude of not caring about those lines. It is no longer important for me to feel befriended by the more popular people. My worth has nothing to do with their opinions, because my worth is determined by God. And He feels I'm pretty important and worth His Son's life! But I digress.....sometimes I do that. haha The point is that I am very glad that I went and was able to catch up with everyone!

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