I have been asking the Lord this past week or two, what is going to be important for 2015? What is something that believers need to know, understand, receive fresh revelation on? I've heard Him tell me (and others) that it's going to be important to truly KNOW His voice in the coming year. In John 10:27 Jesus said, "My sheep know My voice, and I know them. They follow Me". We can only follow Him if we know His voice. And how do we come to know His voice? You have to spend time with Him. I'll never forget when I'd only been at a new church a short time and I had to call one of the ladies I was working with in children's ministry. Her husband answered the phone, I asked for his wife, then I heard him tell her "Meredith's on the phone for you". I asked if they'd gotten Caller ID (yeah, it was a while ago lol). He told me they still didn't have caller ID....he knew my voice because of the time I'd spent with them! Have you had something like that happen? I was so excited! Even thinking about it now, almost 15 years later, my heart remembers the joy I felt when my voice had been recognized! And these were just people I was getting to know at church (and still do love, by the way). Can you imagine God's joy when we recognize His voice? He created us, He longs for relationship with us, He longs to hear OUR voice. I can't imagine how His heart must feel when we recognize His voice!
We're told in Isaiah 60:2 that a deep darkness is coming, that will cover the whole earth. It's going to happen, the days will grow darker, evil will be more prevalent. But, in the same verse, He also tells us "but the Lord will arise upon you, and His glory will be seen upon you". Wow! His glory will be seen upon us! Do you know part of the equation of that happening? Following His voice!
I also hear the Lord saying that we're at that point in time where His people need to know His voice for themselves. I'm probably not the only one that's guilty of going to people that I know hear the Lord, and asking their take on things. Don't get me wrong...we're still part of the Body, and I think it's important for us to share, but the time's upon us that we need to be able to discern His voice for ourselves at a greater level. He has called us His friends, and He wants to share His secrets with us...not just a few of us, but every one of us that He calls "friend".
We're told in Isaiah 60:2 that a deep darkness is coming, that will cover the whole earth. It's going to happen, the days will grow darker, evil will be more prevalent. But, in the same verse, He also tells us "but the Lord will arise upon you, and His glory will be seen upon you". Wow! His glory will be seen upon us! Do you know part of the equation of that happening? Following His voice!
I also hear the Lord saying that we're at that point in time where His people need to know His voice for themselves. I'm probably not the only one that's guilty of going to people that I know hear the Lord, and asking their take on things. Don't get me wrong...we're still part of the Body, and I think it's important for us to share, but the time's upon us that we need to be able to discern His voice for ourselves at a greater level. He has called us His friends, and He wants to share His secrets with us...not just a few of us, but every one of us that He calls "friend".
Another part of knowing His voice is discerning what you're hearing. If you hear a voice that sounds like the Lord's, but what you're hearing doesn't line up with Scripture, it's not God! Don't follow that voice! Run the other direction, don't pass Go, don't collect $200! God is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. He will never tell you something or lead you somewhere that doesn't line up with His Word. He can't do that, because that would make Him a liar, and He's not man, He can't lie.
I've also been hearing with increased intensity that it's time to truly follow when we hear His voice. It's always good to seek Godly counsel (Proverbs 12:15). Sometimes, though, you need to have faith and do what you heard the Lord say. Almost a decade ago when God was calling me to spend a year in China, I sought counsel. I will forever be thankful for the people God has had in my life since before I was born...I know that I am truly blessed to know and love, be known and loved by so many Godly people. When planning for China, though, I had differing counsel from these Godly people. Some told me "of course, that's God, GO!" I was also told "you're still single, God wouldn't be sending a single woman to the mission field around the world". And others who pointed out "shouldn't you be getting a job here to pay off those grad school loans?". Then, before I left, they found my dad's brain tumor. Time to seek counsel BIG TIME! I had some who said "Go ahead and go to China, they need to know God and He'll take care of your parents". (Thankfully my parents were in this category!) And I had many people reminding me that Scripture says to "honor your mother and father" and that I should cancel my plans, stay home and help my mom with my dad. I was receiving counsel from MANY Godly people, so many that had helped lay my foundation in the Lord. Ultimately, I had to hear God's voice and follow Him. He met me while I was praying, seeking Him, struggling to hear His voice. I heard Him say "read Matthew 10:37". I turned there. Know what it says? "Whoever loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me". Talk about clarity!! Now, I'm not saying that you should never take care of your family. After China, I took care of my mom until she passed from her ovarian cancer. And I am still Dad's caregiver...because that's what I've heard the Lord ask me to do.
A lot of the time, following God will not follow conventional wisdom. 1 Corinthians 1:27 says "But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise". And sometimes, He will ask us to step out, follow Him where other believers aren't going. This is why it's so important to know His Word, so that we can discern whether it's His leading or not.
So, my prayer for the Church (you and me) is that we would take the time to get to KNOW His voice. That He would open the ears of the inner man so that we could hear clearly in the midst of the white noise in our lives. That He will give us fresh revelation of His Word, His voice, His leadership! I pray that in 2015, the Church will be set apart; that the world would know we are His because we're following Him! That the glory of the Lord will be seen upon us!!