I was talking with a friend today about funerals. She was talking about paying for a loved one's services, and then we were just talking in general. And I'm watching a movie in which someone just said goodbye to his best friend, and it's the funeral scene right now.
Now, growing up in a Christian home and being a preacher's kid, I've been to my share of funerals & visitations. Shoot, I've even sang at funerals (not as weird as you'd think!). I've attended those of loved ones - biological family, church family, friends. I've even had to go through planning my mother's funeral.
All that said, I was thinking the other day about how people exchange words to family members that have lost loved ones. There are many standard things that you hear, "He will be missed so much; She was such a lovely person; He was a good person; He/she did so many good things. He loved his family so much. She loved her church and was such an active member. She was a lovely singer. He was a great preacher. He did/was {fill-in-the-blank}".
While I was thinking about it, I realized that I don't want any of those things to be said when I leave this earthly body. What I want to be said of me when I'm gone is "She loved her Lord with all her heart, soul, mind & strength; and she strived to live a life pleasing to Him". Now all I have to do is continue to make that true about me now...because nothing can be true of me after I'm gone from Earth if it isn't true of me while I'm still here!