Every so often, I will hear myself tell someone (or myself for that matter), "You know, one day, I would love to write a book." I hear that come out of my mouth & wonder what on Earth I would write about! I mean, my life is more interesting than some, but doesn't compare to others. And that statement was what caused me to hear God telling me that I'm not to compare. My story is just as important to Him as anyone else's.
I don't know that I'll ever actually write a book in this lifetime. However, I can write little blips here and there.
My life. Did you ever wonder how you got to where you are? I've pondered that exact sentiment numerous times throughout my life. I suppose it's human nature to contemplate such things in each new season of our lives. In a few weeks, I will turn 30. This fact means two things. There are SO many experiences in this life that are not mine yet. However, it also means I've been here on this old Earth long enough to have more than a few interesting experiences. Experiences that differ from everyone else in this world. Actually, everyone has individual experiences, even if it's just in the way we were conceived and born.
My mother was told she would never have children, which was fine with her because she didn't particularly know if she wanted to be a mother. Surprise, surprise! A little over a year into my parents' marriage found them pregnant with their firstborn (that would be me!). While my mother was pregnant with me, she was hit & ran over by a car, took numerous spills down stairs & such, and was also shocked from the socket box in our mobile home so hard that it literally threw her 8 feet across the room. It's no wonder I came into this world a month earlier than I was supposed to! My mother was a nurse at the local hospital and wasn't scheduled for maternity leave for 4 more weeks. After being admitted to the OB unit, my mother clocked in and sat in a staff meeting. Then, I'm told it was during Charlie's Angels that she asked the nurse if she could use the restroom rather than the bedpan. She was permitted to do so. Upon my mother's return to her bed, the nurse found that she was fully dilated. Do you know what that means? That's right! I was just minutes away from being born in the toilet! And then once I was out, my mother took one look at me and said "Oh Lord, what did I do to deserve this?" Apparently I was an ugly baby. I was sickly skinny - skin and bones with size 2 feet complete with hands and ears to match! I had inch-long hair on only one-half of my head (the other half had rubbed off due to a short umbilical cord). I also had/have what is known as an "angel's kiss" (my eye turns purple when crying hard). Have you pictured all of this? Are you laughing yet? I told you they said I was an ugly baby!
Now I told you all of that to say this: No two people have the same experiences in this life. Even if your story is similar to mine, not every detail would match. That's because God created us as individuals! He loves to give each of us a different story! He does this so that we have a reason to speak and share with one another. If our experiences matched completely, we would have no reason to form relationships with others, because we would already know all of the facts. Since He's created us all differently, we have to communicate with each other to find out how we've all reached the place we are. Ah, the beauty of a God who created a need for community!!
Well, it's late, so I should head to bed now. Oh, and in case you were wondering, my mother decided when I was 4 weeks old that I was no longer ugly. She now says that I'm beautiful. And I'm sure it has NOTHING to do with the fact I look so much like her that our pictures could pass for one another's!